Getting Personal…Hello 2011!


January 18, 2011

The truth is, I think 2011 is going to be a magical year…honestly….magical.

I don’t know how, I don’t know what it will look like…and for a planner, I have to tell you that’s a little scary.

The fabulous Shauna Maness has inspired me with her 101 in 1001 and I’m working on my own list (to appear shortly) but I know my #1 is to share a little more of my life on here. Let people get to know the everyday-April (not just Sunday best-April) a little better and have some conversation!

So…as a start, I’m confessing that the personality trait I most have to fight right now is laziness. Yep, I just told the w.w.w. that I’m L.A.Z.Y. by nature. I have hundreds of ideas (conservative estimate) floating around in my brain, at least as many projects on my to-do list…all of which I’m excited about…and all I want to do in my free time is to snuggle up with Wilson (who really is the cutest dog in the world….seriously, you may think your dog is the cutest, but you’re wrong), watch bad television and drink coffee. I’m reading the book Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky right now (thanks Kyle!) and I think it might be the thing to turn some of this around. My favorite little ah-ha so far: every morning, write down 5 things that you have to complete before you go to bed that night & keep it with you for easy reference once you’ve gotten off track. They can be as little as “set the microwave clock” (so it stops blinking…grrr) or as big as “finish editing the _________ photos”.

Is anyone else out there naturally on the lazy side? What do you do to motivate yourself when you just aren’t in the mood? Any advice will be much appreciated!

Also!! This is my year of healthy living….I truly believe diet is a naughty word….so if you have a favorite yummy healthy recipe or tip….leave those in the comments as well! My goal is to shop my little local farmers market FIRST & then fill in the gaps with the grocery store. I’m really looking forward to a year of seasonal cooking and inventing goodness from fresh local food…photos (of successes and failures) will follow.

Here’s to a healthy, exciting, MAGICAL 2011.

Comments +

  1. MIchal says:

    Lazy by any other name is: Michal. It’s so hard for me to stay on task at home. The best things that have helped me are lists and music. I make a list of things that I need to do and when I can’t get my butt up and going I put music on. Works like a charm. As far as being more personal in your blogs….ha! I probably tell too much in mine. :/ Yummy healthy treat: Peanut butter balls. Mix peanut butter with flax seed, grape nuts and mini chocolate chips. Roll into yummy balls. We like to freeze ours.

  2. Ghia Thompson says:

    Love the photos! I too fight going down lazy lane, and with me being home now, my bed is bigger and more comfortable than ever! When I get that way, I decide to clean something. It’s hard getting up to do it, but once I do, I get so much energy and end up doing more and more. To do lists frustrate and overwhelm me usually, but keeping them small and manageable is key for me.

    My husband’s got some dietary restrictions that we are addressing this year and he found some interesting recipes on the Whole Foods website. These recipes call for lots of veggies, beans, and fresh stuff (where’s my fried chicken????)I’ll let you know what our favorites are! Best wishes to you….I agree…this is going to be a marvelous year!

  3. Casey Ayala says:

    Hi April!

    Boy, this sure sounds A LOT like me lately. I will share this… this is something I have been struggling with for a couple of months now, and after having a long talk with a good photographer friend who’s been in the business a while, and having a deep conversation with God, I’ve decided to take a mini “break”, and focus on my own personal motivations. I feel overwhelmed by life and by work, and with a mind and heart in this condition, it only makes sense to take a step back and reevaluate. For me personally, I feel that by taking on so many wonderful and new clients back to back, I am denying them my full creative outlets. So, for now, I’m going to keep shooting, but will be very selective. Right now, my heart needs to be focused on Him, and then, and only then, all else will fall into place.

    Hope that helps some! Wish you the best of luck!!

  4. Jamie Kutter says:

    love the sparkler photos! and I love the 5 things that must get done list! My to-do lists are always so overwhelming that sometimes I’m frozen! then in panic mood…then I just surf the web! maybe the top 5 will help! thanks for sharing 😉

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